I've decided to try doing a bit of blogging, to better communicate what I'm working on right now.
Today, I'm trying to make progress on applying for the
Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program, which is due Dec. 7th. I need to write a two-page statement, gather references, etc. for this. Next up is the
ONR Summer Faculty Fellowship Research program, due on Dec. 4th. I'm also working on writing a recommendation, plus various administrative things (i.e. entering publications into the
BCoE database).
I'm out all afternoon watching the boys while Vika goes to a check-up. Then, I'm out Wednesday to Friday enjoying Thanksgiving!
The semester's gone by so quickly. It's amazing.
Still to do: Durga's paper; search for more funding; improve our
group's home page; work on planning a workshop and building collaborations for Cosserat rod robotics (I call this Cosserbotics); plan for an in-class demo robot for Micro; and so on.