Thursday, January 29, 2009

Weekly meeting (29-Jan-2009)


  1. Dr. Jones: Distribute photos/video from the going-away party. Oops -- forgot!
  2. The workshop policies have been updated. Action: read the updated policy and complete the table by placing dates in cells indicating when you took the workshop. Durga, Ricky: done. Krishna: to do. Action: everyone will find dates for workshops and post the date on the policies page.
  3. Durga: limiting case introduction. To be continued next meeting.

Dr. Jones

  1. Admin
    1. Increase print quota. Print quota not increased. To do.
    2. Find funding to pay for CNC work for v2 of robot. Estimated cost: $250
    3. We have Maple 12, EndNote x2 CDs - install and return.
  2. Research topics
    1. Revise inverse kinematics paper -- currently editing
    2. Finish review paper -- on hold for now
    3. Finish limiting-case paper
    4. Begin work on NSF proposal
  3. Students
    1. Durga: Jacobian works well, but interval analysis fails on one term.
    2. Ricky: waiting to have v2 trunk cut; working on thesis presentation
    3. Krishna: looking at verification
    4. Buddy: working through Antman

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