Monday, September 6, 2010

Fun links

I've been focusing on staying up to date with my inbox, but my blog has fallen far behind. A bit of catch-up:

  • I'm using Camtasia to create a series of videos for the "Digital approach to Bible study" Sunday School class I teach. The site uses Joomla, so I got to learn enough of that to post videos using a plugin. While the first two are just .mp4 files and therefore require Quicktime, I figured that uploading an extra file allows me to use the Flash player, which is much more widely supported.
  • The Autonomous Robots blog is neat.
  • Python(x, y) is great! I'm really liking it for my Intro to Robotics class. I certainly miss some features (a nice integrated debugger is one).
  • I decided to have a bit of fun and purchase the original StarCraft. It is fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dr. Jones,
    More Fun! if you have 10 min, Favorite Starcraft 2 Match by my favorite commentator Day[9]:
    Advance the time to 16:50 and watch until 27:00, also watch in highdef and expand or full screen it, enjoy :D
