The plan for today:
- Check with Sol on the Micro parts order. Yesterday, I verified that the three power supplies he sent would work. This also means we can move to a cheaper power supply, I think.
- Order parts for the Summer bridge robot. In particular, I'd really like a PIC24HJ128GP502 to play with.
- p14p work - I figured out an important bug (building the same binary using two different versions of Python). Now, I can code on the PIC24 port and also work on Doxygen generation.
- Recommendation letter for Brad -- need to do that today.
- Weekly meeting for the robotics research group. I'd like to do a paper review, but don't have time for that today. The review is due the 22nd?, so I do need to get started.
- Work on the review paper. It's due the 18th, so I need to jump on it.
- Update the Micro libs, based on a bug report.
Weekly meeting:
- Group lunch - Friday at 12:30?
- Task list - review and update.
- Review and update group policies - place dates for future sessions.
- Neat movie found by Krishna
- Research update
- Dr. Jones
- p14p - Progress; working on developing hardware interface libraries.
- Funding - NASA pre-proposal rejected
- Met with the Industrial Technology group on robotics collaborations.
- Turned Buddy's amazing sim into a movie.
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