Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas news

I've been away from the blog for several days and I miss it! So, here's my catch-up edition. First, the sad news: our faithful Canon Digital Rebel XT died last night. An error 99 led me to a nice site with debug info (see update #2). After a bit of debug (shooting with no CF card, no lens, and a recharged battery) still showed the error, I noticed that the sensor cleaning mode didn't open the shutter. Oops -- almost certainly, the shutter is dead. We've used it for 4 1/2 years and close to 100,000 photos, so we've definitely gotten our money's worth out of it! It's now a toy for Alex and Daniel, so they're having a great time with it.

I've been doing some fun reading. It sounds like Boeing is finally ready with their latest plane, a small, economic airliner. It's a stark contrast to the gigantic Airbus A380, a concept I never liked. I've always preferred smaller airports to giant hubs and hope that Boeing wins out with a regional jet instead of a hub-to-hub behemoth from Airbus.

Another fun thing I ran across: nuclear reactor drawings (here are hi-res versions).

I finally had time to play with Skype and the Logitech Quickcam E3500 we bought several months ago. The two didn't work together and, reading on Google, I saw lots of complaints that the two companies blame each other for the problems. In particular, the webcam microphone wouldn't work, or sometimes worked inconsistently. I installed the latest drivers and software on the laptop and desktop to try again. The laptop worked fine; the desktop didn't. More Googling finally yielded the answer: if the mic volume is too high (>90% or so), then the webcam mic doesn't output anything. Unchecking the "Automatically adjust microphone settings" checkbox then manually bring the volume down fixed it. Amazing. Vika had a nice conversation with her family. There's lots of snow on the ground in Almaty -- they showed us a webcam shot of it!

I made some exciting progress on the professional fronts: I finally figured out how to deal with a troublesome term in the limiting-case analysis I'm doing with Durga. I'd thought about looking at a Taylor expansions, but didn't see any nice simplifications from that. However, playing with Maple, expanding just the first three terms produces a very small error. Wow -- I'd been puzzled by that for a long time!

I'm still excited about ARM stuff; I think I'll probably buy the proto board and see if I can find time to play with it during the semester. Speaking of the semester, some thoughts and plans:

For Micro, I hope to improve the course in three areas:
  1. Make tests before I begin covering the material. That's just planning, preparation, and discipline.
  2. Revise the labs and homework to require students in later labs to get an I2C, SPI, and A/D peripheral up and running. My plan is to develop that in the Spring then implement it in the Fall.
  3. Create an in-class demo robot / revised Intro to Robotics robot / recruiting platform / summer camp robot. I think the same robot can serve all these goals, or at least the same basic robot with various minor modifications. Again, I'm planning on developing this in the Spring.
We'll see what I actually get done. That's quite a bit of work! I'll definitely be asking for some help with all this.

Friday, December 18, 2009


I'm at home this morning. I tried using xUnit on my PC here and also ran into problems; it looks like xUnit is generating an "unable to load assembly" error. Sigh. I'll have to track that down. It might be easier just to create a console app and run that instead, though. I really miss not having a working test framework.

I did lots of clean-up yesterday, going through almost all the unread items in my inbox. Wow. That was really nice. I reviewed several SECON papers and was disappointed by the low quality.

Before I wrote Microcontrollers: From Assembly Language to C Using the PIC24 Family, I considered adopting an ARM instead of the PIC24. The main problem was the lack of prototype-friendly packing (all the parts were surface mount), but otherwise I really liked the parts. I ran across a nice ARM part again that I'm excited about, a family from ST, the STM32F series:
  • It's based on an ARM Cortex-M3. I'd prefer an ARM Cortex-R4, since that has an optional FPU. While some companies have licensed it, I can't find any products from them yet.
  • They have a small package (36 pins, QFN, 6mm x 6mm = 236 mils x 236 mils). Note that a standard DIP is 300 mils wide.
  • Their best part in that package, the STM32F103T8, features a 72 MHz clock, 20 KB RAM, 64 KB flash, 2 UARTs, 4 timers, 10 channels sampled by two 12-bit 1 MSPS ADCs, 26 GPIOs, and one each of SPI, I2C, USB, CAN, PWM timer. The datasheet gives part-specific features, while the reference manual gives info common to all the STM32 parts. The programming manual discusses the core and its instruction set.
  • They have what looks like an excellent standard peripheral library, which looks equivalent to the library I co-wrote for the PIC. It's well-documented and looks fairly useful. It comes with example code for every peripheral and seems to include clock config and everything!
  • Their programmer/debugger, the ST-LINK, is $24. Wow. I like that. The user manual gives more details.
  • They have a bootloader with dlls to link to plus a GUI; I haven't tried it, though.
  • The errata list looks reasonable, a contrast to PIC24 errata.
The biggest cons:
  • No DIP package. Doing a quick search, there's an adapter board out there, thought it's fatter than I'd like (600 mils). Here's another option. It would mean having someone build these boards; I bet SparkFun would do it for us.
  • It's soooo painful to get another micro up and running. It's even more painful to turn this into a class. Writing another book adds another level of pain.
  • There's no reason to do this. The PIC24 is fine for what I'm doing, even in the foreseeable future. I don't see any new things an ARM would enable me to do in terms of research.
Some getting started notes:
  • Bootloading:
    • To enter the system bootloader,  set BOOT[1:0] = 01. However, the STM32F103T8 has only a BOOT0 pin in the 48 and 36 pins packages.  It looks like BOOT1 is shared with PB2 per the pinout in the datasheet (page 27). I could do this via the FTDI cable with a weak pull-up on PB2 and RTS connected to BOOT0 (see e.g. page 14 of AN2586).
    • Per AN2606 page 6, the built-in bootloader runs off the internal oscillator at 24 MHz. It uses PA10 and RX and PA9 as TX and operates at 8 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit. Per page 8, it uses autobaud and works from 1200 to 115200 baud. It's possible that higher rates would work, though.
  • AN2586 is a hardware getting started guide.
    • The NRST (low-true reset) has a built-in pullup, per page 10; all that's needed is a pushbutton!
    • Per page 52 of the datasheet, the internal clock is accurate to +/-2% at 0-70 degrees C.
    • There are 5 pins for program/debug; however, user software can take control of them as code executes, disabling debug abilities. However, the standard connector is a 20-pin beast, only 5 pins of which must be used. There's a 2-pin mode, which would be nice. I'm still not sure how these work.
    • From the clock tree (page 78 of the reference manual), it looks like picking the internal 8 MHz source / 2, then using an x18 on the PLL gives 72 MHz for full-speed operation.
    • An odd thing: since the bootloader is permanently burned in the part, I don't need a programmer; I'd only want that for debugging support. That's nice.
    I found a neat trick: to create outlines of text for laser cutting, Word plus Visio works: create WordArt in Word (Insert tab, click WordArt). After creating it, click on the shape, select the WordArt tab, then choose Shape Outline, Width, Weight of 0, color red, no fill. I can't figure out how to set the proportions correctly, though.

    Now back to work. Forms to fill, e-mail to answer...

    Thursday, December 17, 2009

    Testing code

    The more I use it, the more I like it:
    • All code should be tested, if at all possible, using unit or functional tests.
    • All builds should be automated, particularly for complex builds.
    The interval analysis paper I'm working on has benefited from these two: I've started a simple functional-test framework which has found several bugs. Work on an auto-build also makes life much simpler.

    xUnit / stopped working mysteriously and I can't get them going, in spite of updating to the latest version of both! Ouch.

    The weeks is vanishing

    I'm shocked and amazed -- the week is vanishing. Wow. Today and tomorrow, then I'm done for the year!

    Some fun reading: from the IEEE, automated to death (including a truly scary video simulation of a 777's autopilot going crazy).

    I found another possibility for a demo robot chassis: a simple tracked robot. I'd like to use one robot for both Intro to Robotics, a summer camp, and a Micro demo robot. The one thing I'd like is encoders; the other question is power -- can this robot carry an arm? Update: here's a better link, including a video, plus a post on hacking in encoders.

    I merged the data transfer code in to the main ECE3724 development line. That was more painful than I'd expected, but I think it all works now. I need to document what I've done, so others can use it.

    Wednesday, December 16, 2009

    The end is near

    I've decided to work the rest of this week, then spend the rest of the year at home with my family. That's not much time to wrap everything up! As always, I need to select the most important things and work on them.

    I spend half of yesterday in a meeting on ABET data collection. Our next program review comes in Fall 2011, which means I'll need to start copying three papers each of good, average, and poor students for EVERY assignment I give in every class I teach. Fun. Time to kill some trees. I'm still finishing up this semester's data collection task to enter my ABET data for Micro. Fortunately, I developed a spreadsheet that makes this much easier.

    I came to the meeting at 8:00, but it really started at 8:30. Sigh -- while our department uses Zimbra, I certainly don't. I tried it which just released and found it buggy, under featured, and slow. Perhaps one day we can move to Google (Calendar/GMail/Sites/Docs/etc.). There was an update on the time, but I somehow missed it.

    On Monday, I submitted the Jacobian paper a day early. I'm glad I did, because MSU's internet went down yesterday afternoon, which would have made it hard to submit the paper.

    I finished up the data transfer program, getting the GUI fully working. It took forever for me to figure out that I needed to specify an Windows-1252 encoding to get binary data passed through correctly. I'd like to post a few docs and demos when I have time. It's a nice interface, though some improvements still need to be made. The next big coding project will be adapting this for use with MATLAB by adding a C-callable backend for the GUI. I'd found earlier just the right class to help, but now I don't remember. InvokeAction? InvokableAction? Perhaps using a Control.Invoke (here's a tutorial) will work to make thread synchronization easier.

    Today is mainly a catch-up day: go through e-mail, etc. I hope to at least look at Durga's paper, though.

    Monday, December 14, 2009

    Busy as always

    Somehow, I tend to think that during the holidays I can finish everything, do a few fun things, etc. Sigh; that doesn't seem to be the case. I think the list is growing, rather than shrinking! The updated list:
    1. Move ahead on Durga's paper. It's due tomorrow. The text is in fairly good shape, but the plots all need to be re-created from code yet to be debugged.
    2. Marketing! Come up with slides, videos, etc. to communicate our funding ideas. Meet with Lori, Gary, etc. to ask for their help.
    3. Work on my data transfer code. Just a bit of GUI tweaking and it's ready for release! It (basically) works!
    4. Learn more about continuum mechanics:
      1. Read through the nice thesis Krishna found, read the book Buddy found to better understand continuum mechanics.
      2. Read up on and post ideas on using MATLAB's boundary-value solver.
      3. Read up on Buddy's progress through Antman's chapter on numerical solutions to continuum dynamics.
    5. Review SECON papers.
    6. Improve the SECON spreadsheet to add in the motor calculations. I found a silly mistake in my write-up, I'm thankful I saw it.
    I spent some time with Inventor Professional on Friday trying to clean up mechanicals for the Intro to Robotics laser cut, which has two servos mounted in it. Inventor is such a terrible tool. Trying to export it to anything useful completely failed; only AutoCAD can ready the dwg/dxf Inventor produces; Illustration can open a PDF, but that file doesn't quick scale right when pasted to Visio. Grrr.  There's some mechanical info from Servo City, but I'm guessing the controlling dimension really should be mm instead of inches. I say this because Hitec gives servo dimensions mm; both Hitec (Korean) and Futaba (Japanese) are not US companies. However, being off by a few mils probably won't matter.

    Thursday, December 10, 2009

    Video and grading

    I ran across a fun video reading IEEE Spectrum. It's amazing what fun and creative things are out there!

    Today is a grading day; I'll be going through the Advanced Robotics stuff. I'm also now trying to get Durga's paper ready to submit by Monday (yikes!).

    I worked a lot on the data transfer code and got a preliminary version up and running. It works! I'm very excited. Now I'm puzzling about how to nicely format and print data: if I have the data as an array of bytes, how can I easily format it using printf format specifiers, etc.? To do so, I'd need to cast the data to the correct type, which involves parsing the format spec, which isn't fun. In contrast, scanf will read data from a format specifier into any pointer, which is exactly what I want done on the write side; I'm just missing the read side.

    Wednesday, December 9, 2009

    Mobile computing

    I'm waiting in the health center for lab work for my annual check-up. I'm soooo thankful to have a laptop, where I can get a bit of work done.

    Alex and I hung lots of Christmas lights on our house this morning. That was fun! He handed me clips while I hung lights. He got tired after a while, so I finished the last string by myself. I was surprised -- his help really made the job easier!

    Something neat: I found a conference in Novosibirsk; I've e-mailed the organizers to see if the Jacobian paper might work. I'd enjoy getting to go there, if that's possible. If it is, I'll really need to jump on the paper to get it in conference form.

    I'm done with Micro grading; now, on to Advanced Robotics as papers come in.

    Tommy pointed out an MSU robotics team from Industrial Technology; I need to meet with the group to see what they're doing!

    Tuesday, December 8, 2009

    Embedded Python

    I heard that a company (Synapse Wireless) can run a Python subset on an 8-bit micro with 40K of program space left over! Amazing. Searching the web, I found the Python-on-a-chip project, which looks quite interesting. An associated discussion group has a nice list of embedded Python projects and their status. Very interesting. I wonder if they have a PIC port.

    Finals are done, I'm grading now...

    Final final

    I'm current giving my final final. The semester is almost over! It's time to get organized by planning what I can do now, between semesters, while it's still quiet.
    1. Grading - of Micro and of Advanced Robotics. I'll start Micro this afternoon, after my students have finished taking it.
    2. Setup and software install -- I need Visio on my laptop. I've already install Dropbox, Chrome,,, and got MSVC++ configured.
    3. Develop Micro - I'd like to create an in-class demo robot plus use that for a minority-focused summer school. I'd like to have a preliminary budget by this afternoon for my 3:30 meeting with Tommy.
    4. Marketing! Come up with slides, videos, etc. to communicate our funding ideas. Meet with Lori, Gary, etc. to ask for their help.
    5. Work on my data transfer code. It's almost done...just added another unit test...
    6. Move ahead on Durga's paper. Still a fair amount to do there.
    7. Learn more about continuum mechanics:
      1. Read through the nice thesis Krishna found, read the book Buddy found to better understand continuum mechanics.
      2. Read up on and post ideas on using MATLAB's boundary-value solver.
      3. Read up on Buddy's progress through Antman's chapter on numerical solutions to continuum dynamics.
    8. Review SECON papers.
    9. Improve the SECON spreadsheet to add in the motor calculations.
    One thing I learned: have a final draft of papers due earlier and carefully edit those. I'm reading the final versions of these papers, but my comments don't help my students by leading to corrections and improvements, since I'm reading their final paper, not a draft.

    I just switched to Google Chrome instead of IE, so I can read my e-mail there while Vika works in Firefox. So far, I like it!

    Monday, December 7, 2009

    Inbox fun

    Krishna found some interesting links to various snake-like robots that I'm working through this morning.
    • The NASA space SnakeBot looks interesting, but the creator of the bot seems more focused on reconfigurable robots. His most recent paper (a review) reference work from 2002, suggesting it's not a current topic.
    • The Cornell SnakeArm team: I'm not sure if this is an undergrad or a graduate effort. The professor (Francis Moon) listed on their page doesn't seem to specialize in snake robots. Their video (see below) sugests they have a great mechanical design, but no kinematics. It's probably worth contacting them!
    Other than that, I'm just working through my inbox, preparing a final, etc. As Krishna says, we really need a good video of our robot to show the world!

    Also from Krishna in my inbox, a nice thesis provides a good background an introduction to Cosserat rods, plus good diagrams that explain shear and bending strains.

    Thursday, December 3, 2009

    Still sweeping

    I'm still sweeping away, getting lots of random things done. Praise the Lord for time to do this! I even had a chance to work on the PIC/PC data transfer code, which I enjoy.

    I saw some solar cells from Edmund Scientific that output 8.5 V at 250 mA. That sounds fairly attractive, since it should avoid most of the boost/charge pump frustrations for the team.

    I got an e-mail from a faculty member adopting the book I co-authored. That's very encouraging!

    Tuesday, December 1, 2009


    I realized yesterday that I'm sweeping. After building something in a workshop, the final step requires putting away tools and sweeping up wood chips. Likewise, the end of a semester is an end of project time, so I'm filing, cleaning, reporting, updating, and so on. It's good to understand the time I'm in, since I'm making little research progress. However, this time of preparation will enable me to begin the next semester well, when I start another project.

    To be swept:
    • Update the research group home page with recent pubs
    • Finish grading advanced robotics
    • Finish and submit the SECON paper
    • Submit the ONR application
    • Work on the Air Force application
    • Prepare a Micro final
    • Clean my desk
    • Go through e-mail
    • Attend the SECON presentation
    I'm working with latex again. Ugh. I still prefer Word's quirkiness with figure placement and creation over Latex's cryptic commands and the edit/compile/verify cycle.

    Monday, November 30, 2009

    Back to work

    Vika answered some blog questions for me. To include a subscribe link: it's included automatically, but not after every post, only at the end of the entire page.

    Today is the last day of classes. The to-do list:
    • Write a paper for SECON, due tomorrow
    • Submit recommendations (tweak and PDF them)
    • Grade, finish up advanced robotics
    • Revise the Micro final
    • Enter absences for Micro
    • Submit ONR application
    • Write AF proposal and recommendation letters the bigger-picture items from earlier. A fair number of these should go quickly, though.

    Tuesday, November 24, 2009

    Recommendation done

    The recomendation I needed to write is now done. I'll PDF and post it next week when I return to work. Now, time for some Thanksgiving fun!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    ONR done

    It turns out that the ONR program is fairly easy to apply for, while the Air Force program requires a lot of writing. So, I've essentially finished the ONR application while there's still lots to do on the other. Sigh. Now, time to write some reference letters.

    I know someone who has a nice "Subscribe to post via atom" link on their blog. I don't see an easy setting and found a way involving template modification using Google. What am I missing?

    Laser cutter

    The laser cutter worked like a charm cutting some Plexiglas. Lexan doesn't dirty the lens, but it's not consistently cutting. We're making progress...

    New editor

    I just enabled the new Blogger editor. Wow. It's nicer. The main improvement for me is a larger (resizeable) edit window. Hopefully, this will make posting a bit simpler. For the full solution, Windows Live Writer is even better; you edit on your PC, then upload the results.

    Back to blogging

    I've decided to try doing a bit of blogging, to better communicate what I'm working on right now.

    Today, I'm trying to make progress on applying for the Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program, which is due Dec. 7th. I need to write a two-page statement, gather references, etc. for this. Next up is the ONR Summer Faculty Fellowship Research program, due on Dec. 4th. I'm also working on writing a recommendation, plus various administrative things (i.e. entering publications into the BCoE database).

    I'm out all afternoon watching the boys while Vika goes to a check-up. Then, I'm out Wednesday to Friday enjoying Thanksgiving!

    The semester's gone by so quickly. It's amazing.

    Still to do: Durga's paper; search for more funding; improve our group's home page; work on planning a workshop and building collaborations for Cosserat rod robotics (I call this Cosserbotics); plan for an in-class demo robot for Micro; and so on.

    Friday, May 8, 2009

    Misc thoughts

    I've decided to move my e-mail to gmail. Observations:
    • The use of labels vs. folders seems nice, but I miss the hierarchical nature of folders which I can't seem to obviously replicate in labels. In addition, if I create many labels, I don't see any way of putting more important labels higher up, making them easier to find.
    • Moving my old mail over is painful; the only way I know of is to dump mail from a folder to my inbox, then label it after gmail slooowly sucks it in.

    I'm mostly working from home. Hopefully, the use of svn, gmail, google sites and docs, and the Windows remote desktop + openVPN will make that fairly productive for me.

    Since Vika also uses lots of google stuff, I do all my work in IE (ick) while she uses Firefox, so we can keep both accounts open at the same time.

    Thursday, May 7, 2009

    Getting organized again

    It's time to get organized and try to keep track of what I'm doing:
    • Participate in group site redesign
    • Write a summary for the group web pages plus an extended summary / mini-paper.
    • Write a "how to read a paper" set of questions
    • Finish the review paper
    • Present / introduce twist theory
    • PIC24 debug / improved comm support

    Tuesday, February 10, 2009

    Tuesday in hiding

    I'm hiding this morning, doing research (or at least trying to). I modified the Windows bootloader last night to allow typing into the upper text box plus a command-line bootload then quit option. That should make Intro to Robotics much easier. I'd like to dramatically improve the speed, but that's a bigger project I probably don't have time for.

    On the list for today: more tweaks of the inverse kinematics paper. Plus SECON registration.

    MATLAB makes creating GUIs easy! And Google Docs is great.

    Thursday, February 5, 2009

    Weekly meeting (5-Feb-2009)


    1. Durga: limiting case introduction. To be continued next meeting.
    2. Next week: Dr. Jones will do some statics, showing some 2-D and 3-D derivations.

    Dr. Jones

    1. Admin
      1. Increase print quota. E-mail sent.
      2. Find funding to pay for CNC work for v2 of robot. Estimated cost: $250. Done.
      3. We have Maple 12, EndNote x2 CDs - install and return. Done.
    2. Research topics
      1. Revise inverse kinematics paper -- currently editing
      2. Finish review paper -- on hold for now
      3. Finish limiting-case paper
      4. Begin work on NSF proposal

    Thursday, January 29, 2009

    Weekly meeting (29-Jan-2009)


    1. Dr. Jones: Distribute photos/video from the going-away party. Oops -- forgot!
    2. The workshop policies have been updated. Action: read the updated policy and complete the table by placing dates in cells indicating when you took the workshop. Durga, Ricky: done. Krishna: to do. Action: everyone will find dates for workshops and post the date on the policies page.
    3. Durga: limiting case introduction. To be continued next meeting.

    Dr. Jones

    1. Admin
      1. Increase print quota. Print quota not increased. To do.
      2. Find funding to pay for CNC work for v2 of robot. Estimated cost: $250
      3. We have Maple 12, EndNote x2 CDs - install and return.
    2. Research topics
      1. Revise inverse kinematics paper -- currently editing
      2. Finish review paper -- on hold for now
      3. Finish limiting-case paper
      4. Begin work on NSF proposal
    3. Students
      1. Durga: Jacobian works well, but interval analysis fails on one term.
      2. Ricky: waiting to have v2 trunk cut; working on thesis presentation
      3. Krishna: looking at verification
      4. Buddy: working through Antman

    Thursday, January 22, 2009

    Weekly meeting (22-Jan-2009)


    1. Dr. Jones: Distribute photos/video from the going-away party. Oops -- forgot!
    2. Weekly meeting times: group at 2:00 PM every Thursday, starting the 22nd. Individual meetings: weekly on Thursday starting on the 15th. Durga: 3:00 PM; Buddy; 3:30 PM; Krishna: 4:00 PM.
    3. The workshop policies have been updated. Action: read the updated policy and complete the table by placing dates in cells indicating when you took the workshop. Durga, Ricky: done. Krishna: to do. Action: everyone will find dates for workshops and post the date on the policies page.
    4. Durga: limiting case introduction. To be continued next meeting.

    Dr. Jones

    1. Admin
      1. Give Buddy access to the robotics lab. E-mail sent requesting access; access now granted.
      2. Increase print quota. E-mail sent requesting 500 pages/month.
      3. Find funding to pay for CNC work for v2 of robot. Estimated cost: $250
      4. Get Maple reinstalled. Need to pick up CD to re-install.
    2. Research topics
      1. Revise inverse kinematics paper -- currently editing
      2. Finish review paper -- on hold for now
      3. Finish limiting-case paper
      4. Begin work on NSF proposal
    3. Students
      1. Durga: Jacobian works well, but interval analysis fails on one term.
      2. Ricky: waiting to have v2 trunk cut
      3. Krishna: looking at verification
      4. Buddy: working through Antman

    Tuesday, January 13, 2009

    Weekly meeting (13-Jan-2009)

    Semester plan - implement

    1. Implement statics and dynamics. Measure and verify. Work on real time.
    2. Write up results. First a presentation, then a paper.


    1. Thanks for a great going-away party. I'll gather the video soon. Vika has a photo or two on her blog.
    2. As decided earlier, the group will use a blog for all weekly reports. Policy update: put updates / action items on your blog the day of the meeting.
    3. Durga: limiting case introduction. To be continued next meeting.
    4. The workshop policies have been updated. Action: read the updated policy and complete the table by placing dates in cells indicating when you took the workshop. Durga, Ricky: done. Krishna: to do. Action: everyone will find dates for workshops and post the date on the policies page.
    5. Establish weekly meeting times for all students. Verify that 10:00 AM on Tuesday as a group meeting time works.
    6. Buddy: take Anthony's spot; re-format his PC.

    Dr. Jones

    1. Admin
      1. None yet.
    2. Research topics
      1. Finish review paper -- making great progress.
      2. Finish limiting-case paper
      3. Begin work on NSF proposal
    3. Students
      1. Durga: Jacobian works well, but interval analysis fails on one term.