Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Getting organized: first meeting

Getting organized: a start-up meeting for the group with items for everyone.

Theme: write, write, write!


  1. Introduce modified group meeting format
  2. Weekly report and suggested format. Everyone should (if they don’t have it) create a Wiki page and link to their weekly report on the policies page.
  3. Thanksgiving and PC
  4. Individual schedule: 15 minute blocks, 2:15 on.
  5. NSF proposal

Dr. Jones

  1. Request Micro TA for Durga, Krishna; Robotics TA for Ricky
  2. Provide parts kits for Durga, Krishna
  3. Help needed: a group-accessible on-line calendar
  4. Finish Micro book
  5. Finish review paper
  6. Finish limiting-case paper
  7. Begin work on NSF proposal


  1. Limiting-case: find a path to completion with what we have. Need interval analysis of Jacobian on original vs. stable.
  2. Final report for DIS: define, illustrate, and derive the dynamic terms.
  3. Review limiting-case. Write more text!


  1. Thesis, proposal, DIS report primary task. Write, write, write. Reference Krishna’s derivations. Use illustrations to show why mechanics work.
  2. Tasks on weekly report should be chapters of the thesis, with tasks under that showing what needs to be done for that chapter.


  1. ViSP work. Show a working model


  1. Write up derivation. All the long derivations that will be behind Ricky’s paper.


  1. Support NSF proposal development, be a resource for others (Durga in particular)

Final report schedule / notes

  1. Written in IEEE, two-column format. (Krishna can span columns for long derivations.)
  2. Abstract (written last), introduction (what is the problem and why is it important), related work (what others have done, with citation. Use Endnote, expect for Krishna), body, results and conclusions.
  3. Schedule:
    1. Thu – complete outline (no text written) with all sections above, at least one item per paragraph.
    2. 18th – outline to text (rough draft).
    3. 24th – second draft.
    4. 28th – final draft.

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